the new wiki is now online. I believe that most of the old content is back
on and it should now be clear of spam. Could you please have a look if you
notice something important missing?
Please don't request a user account yet, I'll see to that part later today
or (more likely) tomorrow.
I'd especially like to hear your opinion on the following: the old wiki
contained two rather large pages that are now largely obsolete: one
contained the proposals for backward-incompatible changes (most of which
have been implemented or sound a bit obsolete now because of other changes
that have intervened in the meantime) and a list of ideas for the GSoC
I'd like to hear some feedback from you on the possibility of sending
them to the rubbish bin or keeping them in the interest of historical
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche