not sure if I'm tearing down open doors here, as we say in German, and
this has probably been mentioned before, but I think we should have a
way of returning a 'model' kind of thing from a function package.
What I mean is a collection of pre-defined results like the whole bunch
of accessor values after estimation ($xlist, $coeff, $vcv etc.) that can
be used by the caller of the function package. In a sense, it's like
gretl's model table mechanism applied to functions.
This could of course be done by stuffing everything into and returning a
hansl bundle, but then I would say we should have a written-down
convention on how to structure such a bundle. For example, it could be
mandatory to include a bundle member named 'is_model' with value 1 or
somesuch, so that a bundle can be recognized as holding model results.
I think this would make it easier to extend gretl via user-contributed
function packages. It doesn't mean that package authors would be
required to return a bundle, but it could be made mandatory for add-ons
etc. (perhaps it already is?).
Any reactions?