On Mon, 26 Nov 2007, Sven Schreiber wrote:
here are my experiences with gretl (1.6.5) on Leopard (Mac OS X
10.5), on an Intel Mac...
1) installing "dlcompat" gave me a (fink) error "no package
found for specification" (BTW, I think I configured fink to use
the "unstable" packages to get more recent versions. Could that
be a problem?)
I suspect that dlcompat is now redundant.
2) I proceeded anyway and then gretl's configure script
complained about
missing fftw3, so I installed that under fink as well.
OK, that needs to be listed among the dependencies.
3) Then configure went ok, but on make I got an error with
ms_ole_open_vfs. That sounds very windows-ish to me, so I guess
some platform check failed.
The ms_ole stuff is part of the XLS importer, and is supposed to
be platform-independent. Could you please post the exact error
you got in that context?
I suspect that current CVS has a better chance of building on OS X
10.5 than gretl 1.6.5, though I can't think of any relevant change
in respect of ms_ole.