On Thu, 3 Apr 2008, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti wrote:
More details: gretl gets stuck while trying to delete all the
temporary variables created inside the function. It looks like
we run into an infinite loop in this section of
lib/src/gretl_func.c (line numbers added for clarity):
3536: for (i=orig_v; i<pdinfo->v; i++) {
3537: fprintf(stderr, "i = %d\n", i);
3538: if (STACK_LEVEL(pdinfo, i) == d) {
3539: anyerr = dataset_drop_variable(i--, pZ, pdinfo);
3540: if (anyerr && !err) {
3541: err = anyerr;
3542: }
3543: }
3544: }
The "i--" operation smells bad, but I'm not familiar enough with
this region of the source to pin down what's wrong with it.
Sorry, I'm getting started late today. I'll have a proper look
shortly, but in principle the "i--" is right: when we delete a
variable, all the higher-numbered variables get renumbered. If
you just checked and deleted variable 10, say, then you need to
check variable 10 next, since it will be what used to be variable