On Tue, 22 Jul 2008, Allin Cottrell wrote:
Here is a newly revised version of the cubes function that I used
for illustration previously.
function make_cubes (list xlist)
list retlist = null
loop foreach i xlist --quiet
series $i3 = xlist.$i^3
list retlist = retlist $i3
end loop
return list retlist
end function
Please note that The "varcopy" function mentioned in my posting of
12 July has now been removed from CVS.
This is a really, really good thing. Thanks a lot for taking care of this.
It sounds like a clean and clever solution. I'll test it tomorrow. If all
goes well, IMO we should make the switch to the new scheme and give people
some time to fix the backward-incompatible scripts (which I anticipate
will be LOTS).
Alternatively, we may keep 1.7.6 with the old behaviour and put out a
1.99.0 release with PROTECT_LISTS on. Development would then continue on
the "unstable" branch. Once everything is sorted out, the development
version becomes 2.0, to signify that old scripts are not guaranteed to
run. Of course, if we get into the mindset of breaking backward
compatibility, we may reflect a little on the things we would like to
change (I, for one, have a few of those).
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche