On Fri, 25 Sep 2015, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti wrote:
On Fri, 25 Sep 2015, oleg_komashko(a)ukr.net wrote:
> Dear all,
> Below is a code to plot irf with confidence bounds
> It is intended to plot 3 lines: red solid for irf and red dashed for bounds
> I used Dell 630 latitude
> On Ubuntu the plot is as intended to be, but on the same notebook
> on XP plot uses default color/style options: 3 lines are solid red,
> blue , green
I _suspect_ it isn't an OS dependent thing, if not indirectly: I
think the syntax for linestyles changed between gnuplot 4.x and 5.x;
is it possioble that you have one version on Win and another on
Yes, Ubuntu has an older version of gnuplot while the gretl package
for Windows has the current version. The incompatibility is
unfortunate, but here's how to modify the spec in Oleh's script,
under the gretl "plot" command:
literal set termoption dashed
literal set style line 1 lt 1 lc 1
literal set style line 2 lt 2 lc 1
literal set style line 3 lt 2 lc 1
literal set linetype 1 lc 1
literal set linetype 2 lc 1 dt 2
literal set linetype 3 lc 1 dt 2
where "dt" is an abbreviation for "dashtype".