Am 17.06.2016 um 16:56 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
On Wed, 15 Jun 2016, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> Ok, so it looks like after hansl's corr() accepts this additional
> optional argument (for example 0 := parametric correlation/default, 1
> := Spearman, 2:= Kendall), ...
> Although I don't yet understand how the new option to the hansl
> function corr() would be transmitted to gretl's series_2_func().
It couldn't be, as things stand: series_2_func() just accepts two series
arguments and nothing else. The procedure would probably be to scan
geneval.c for an existing alternative "wrapper" function that could
accept two series and a scalar: if so, transfer the handling of F_COR to
that function; if not, write a more specialized wrapper for use with F_COR.
Well I guess you had this in mind:
/* evaluate a built-in function that has three arguments */
static NODE *eval_3args_func " ...
It's a pretty big and generic function, though. I'm not sure I
understand why some wrapper functions are pretty specialized with
respect to the argument types, and others like the one above seem to
handle a lot of different stuff.