Am 16.03.2020 um 21:24 schrieb Artur Tarassow:
this is a point I don't understand and frequently stumble over.
Function main() calls checker(). When checker() is called first, it
correctly prints the message "Some error message" and correctly returns 1.
When checker() is called within the conditional-statement, <if
checker(1)>, it also returns correctly 1 which triggers printing the
message "Check returned some other error". However, printing the
checker's message "Some error message" 'fails' or is not done. Why
this the case?
Hi Artur, I think your example could be much shorter:
function scalar printsth(void)
print "hey"
return 1
end function
if printsth() # does not spit out "hey"
Frankly, don't know if it's by design, but could be I guess.