On Tue, 16 Dec 2008, Talha Yalta wrote:
> Well, that "most people are now using firefox" is
hardly true. On the
> contrary, 70-80% are still using MS Internet Explorer.
Well you are absolutely right. I was talking about the default browser
in Linux. I think it is explorer in Windows but I need to check.
On Windows (ans OS X) gretl just asks the OS to open the URL; what
comes up depends on what you've selected as the default browser.
On Linux, if gretl is built against the gnome libraries it calls
gnome_url_show, which again uses whatever browser is selected by
the user.
Otherwise, on Linux "mozilla" is a standard, generic default for
various programs that want a browser. If you're running mozilla
firefox (as I am) create a symlink to "mozilla". (At one time
"netscape" played this role: programs wanting to show web pages
would call for "netscape" but if you were using something else
you'd just create a symlink.)