Dear all,
Below is a script illustrating
some problems with arima command
For convenience .inp file is also added
open greene5_1.gdt
logs *
arima 1 1 1; l_realcons
mod1 = $model
eval mod1.ylist
eval $ylist
# it seems the both variants output series with ID = 1
# this crashes gretl (resent snpshots) both on Windows 10 (64)
# and Ubuntu 18.4 (64):
matrix a_matrix = zeros(2,1)
set initvals a_matrix
arima 1 1 1; l_realcons --nc
# but on 2018a the output is
The convergence criterion was not met
Error executing script: halting
arima 1 1 1; l_realcons --nc
# on 2018a
arima 1 1 1; l_realcons --nc --lbfgs
Function evaluations: 8
Evaluations of gradient: 8
Model 1: ARIMA, using observations 1950:2-2000:4 (T = 203)
Estimated using Kalman filter (exact ML)
Dependent variable: (1-L) l_realcons
Standard errors based on Hessian
coefficient std. error z p-value
phi_1 0.872604 0.0756384 11.54 8.64e-031 ***
theta_1 −0.481946 0.136679 −3.526 0.0004 ***
Mean dependent var 0.008817 S.D. dependent var 0.008856
Mean of innovations 0.002195 S.D. of innovations 0.009571
Log-likelihood 655.4098 Akaike criterion −1304.820
Schwarz criterion −1294.880 Hannan-Quinn −1300.798
Real Imaginary Modulus Frequency
Root 1 1.1460 0.0000 1.1460 0.0000
Root 1 2.0749 0.0000 2.0749 0.0000
# for comparison
arima 1 1 1; l_realcons --nc --x-12-arima
# on snapshot
arima 1 1 1; l_realcons --nc --lbfgs
The convergence criterion was not met
Error executing script: halting
arima 1 1 1; l_realcons --nc --lbfgs
# the same (The convergence criterion was not met)
# from 2018a arima 1 1 1; l_realcons --nc --lbfgs
matrix a_ma = {0.872604,−0.481946}
set initvals a_ma
arima 1 1 1; l_realcons --nc --lbfgs
# approx from arima 1 1 1; l_realcons --nc --x-12-arima
matrix a_ma2 = {0.99,−0.99}
set initvals a_ma2
arima 1 1 1; l_realcons --nc --lbfgs
# this also crashes gretl (resent snpshots)
matrix a_matrix = zeros(2,1)
set initvals a_matrix
arima 1 1 1; l_realcons --nc --lbfgs
# does not affects
set initvals a_matrix
arima 1 1 1; l_realcons --nc --x-12-arima