Am 10.09.2020 um 02:02 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
On Wed, 9 Sep 2020, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> Hi, as per section 15.2 of the guide it is not supported to enter the
> contents of string-valued series manually (in the GUI).
> But I guess sometimes it would be useful to be able at least to edit
> those series, or what would be the suggested way to change, say, a
> single value (obs) of a string-valued series?
Doesn't section 15.3 of the Guide pretty much cover that?
Take a look, and if there's something you reckon should be allowed but
is not currently allowed, please say.
Well, AFAICS section 15.3 is command-line-only. I was wondering how to
achieve that in the GUI. I can look at the string values alright, but
when I choose "edit", then I get the numerical values instead. So I
cannot change the spelling of a string label, for example. (Always in
the GUI I mean.) For example from "U.S." to "USA" or stuff like that.