I would like to ask whether it's worthwhile to enable the OxGauss
functionality in combination with gretl's Ox support. (OxGauss means
that Ox can run many existing Gauss programs.) It seems to me that basic
support would be relatively simple, since only a -g switch is needed; so
for running a Gauss program 'mygauss.prg' gretl would need to call:
<path/to/>oxl -g mygauss.prg
(instead of '<path/to/>oxl myox.ox')
I guess a further issue would be how to pass matrices to what would then
be Gauss code, but note that even without it I think it would already be
useful to be able to do:
store @dotdir/mydata.dat --jmulti
# jmulti's format should be same as Gauss (?)
foreign language=OxGauss
T = 100; # ugly hardcoding, but not the point here
k = 2;
load datamatrix[T,2] = mydata.dat; # hope OxGauss would find this
print "yeah";
end foreign
In terms of user interface I tend to think that no separate script class
for Gauss code (executed via OxGauss) should be introduced, since Gauss
in my view is a little obsolete. But maybe opinions differ on that.
BTW, the background in my case is to build wrappers around the break
test codes of Qu&Perron (Econometrica 2007) or Bai&Perron etc. which are
only available in Gauss, a little lengthy, and also I'm not sure whether
their license would allow porting.