Am 24.10.2021 um 23:30 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
But we need to think about this some more. Just eliminating the
series-to-list cast breaks the packages FEP, CommonTrendsTest, ridge
and robust_RESET.
Agreed that more thought is needed. But changing those packages would be
feasible in principle - I'm involved in the first three anyway, and the
latter was by Oleh, such that minor edits could also be applied by
myself, as we have done in the past with other packages by him.
One other totally wild (?) thought, given that the problem of
assignments such as...
list oi = diff(LRM) # call it case B the missing naming of the anonymous series: Why not add to the
"list" command (implying the underlying "genr" command) some kind of
mechanism where the author can provide names for the created series? Be
it a double-dash option or some kind of additional arg.