On Fri, 13 Mar 2009 andreas.rosenblad(a)ltv.se wrote:
The files in c:\gretl\win32\windist\gretl work well (even
graphs) after installing the full version with gretl_install.exe
in c:\program\gretl. I assume it had something with the windows
registry to do. However, gretlcli.exe still give the same
messages about "couldn't open registry". But that is minor
I'll look into the gretlcli registry thing, but I think it's
probably not really a problem.
In general (as you have found!), it will be difficult if not
impossible to run gretl as built on Windows without first running
the installer to get all the files into the right relative
positions and to establish the appropriate registry entries.
However, after you've run the installer once, it should be
possible to _update_ the installation by simply copying the
updated files from the build tree to their final position, e.g.
c:\program files\gretl
(without having to create and run a new installer). I'm working
on a shell script that will do that job.
One more point:
> Finally, I have succeeded in building gretl on windows xp:
> The culprit was lines 199 and 200 in mkwindist. The file
> endings had to be changed to .gz.
That's odd. The files have extension ".tgz" on the server. Maybe
the filenames somehow were automatically changed on download since
Windows didn't like "tgz"? Perhaps I should rename them to
".tar.gz" which is more standard (though the "tar" program which
unpacks them doesn't have a problem with "tgz").