Am 29.07.2016 um 17:01 schrieb Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti:
>> BTW, the Wiki is out-of-date in several respects, I suggest to not
>> link to it from the homepage anymore, at least not directly and
>> without a suitable comment.
> I'll leave Jack to respond to that one, but since he's in bass-player
> mode at the moment (good on him!) that may not happen right away.
I've been thinking about the possibility of shutting the wiki down. It
never gained any traction, and IMO it's better to have no wiki rather
than a ghost one. Thoughts?
Basically I agree. OTOH the question is still on the table what would
come afterwards. I'm not sure whether the current quietness on the
mailing lists is a seasonal phenomenon, but somehow it feels as if
there's isn't much community communication happening. Of course it could
be that gretl "just works" for the vast majority.
The last discussion somehow seemed to end in "let's try to become
super-visible by getting adopted by discussion sites with tons of
users". But that was really more a wishlist than a plan for action.
But either clean the Wiki and remove obsolete information, or if that's
too much work, then yes let's close it.