This is a "big" question, and I apologize in advance for the long message.
I'm new to this list, so I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask
about this.
I'm attempting to extend some of gretl's discrete choice models in my own
programming project (c, mingw, win32). One of the models I've been trying
to get working is trivariate probit (and hopefully eventually multivariate
probit) - I've adapted Alan Genz's matlab script for c (
http://www.math.wsu.edu/faculty/genz/software/matlab/tvnl.m) for
calculating trivariate normal cdfs (which matches his results), and I've
been using the code for gretl's bivariate model as a basis to attempt to
extend to three dimensions. In the bivariate case, there's a place in the
code (biprobit.c) where the first partials of the bivariate cdf are
computed (at least I'm pretty sure that's what d1 and d2 are):
ca = cosh(bp->arho);
sa = sinh(bp->arho);
u_ba = (ca*b - ssa*a);
u_ab = (ca*a - ssa*b);
d1 = exp(-0.5*a*a) * normal_cdf(u_ba) / (P * SQRT_2_PI);
d2 = exp(-0.5*b*b) * normal_cdf(u_ab) / (P * SQRT_2_PI);
After taking care of all the sign switches, I imagine the code for the
trivariate case is something along the lines of (but obviously not correct
since it's not working):
ca12 = cosh(tp->arho12);
sa12 = sinh(tp->arho12);
ca13 = cosh(tp->arho13);
sa13 = sinh(tp->arho13);
ca23 = cosh(tp->arho23);
sa23 = sinh(tp->arho23);
u_ba = (ca12*b - ssa12*a);
u_ab = (ca12*a - ssa12*b);
u_ca = (ca13*c - ssa13*a);
u_ac = (ca13*a - ssa13*c);
u_cb = (ca23*c - ssa23*b);
u_bc = (ca23*b - ssa23*c);
d1 = 2. * exp(-0.5*a*a) * normal_cdf(u_ba) * normal_cdf(u_ca) *
bvnorm_cdf(r23, u_ba, u_ca) / (P * SQRT_2_PI);
d2 = 2. * exp(-0.5*b*b) * normal_cdf(u_ab) * normal_cdf(u_cb) *
bvnorm_cdf(r13, u_ab, u_cb) / (P * SQRT_2_PI);
d3 = 2. * exp(-0.5*c*c) * normal_cdf(u_ac) * normal_cdf(u_bc) *
bvnorm_cdf(r12, u_ac, u_bc) / (P * SQRT_2_PI);
At this point, I'm just trying to follow patterns, though, and my knowledge
of derivatives of multivariate normal cdfs is somewhat limited.
Are there resources that give a more step-by-step derivation of the
derivatives, other than general calculus principle resources? And, given
what I've written above, does anyone know if I need a bivaraite PDF
somewhere in there?
Any help would be appreciated. My hope is that a discussion about this
might lead to this becoming a feature of gretl. I'm just trying to get
BFGS to work first, since there's less to go wrong. If I provide the
correct parameter estimates, the LL matches Limdep, so I think everything
is okay up through the calculation of the triviariate CDF, and it *may*
just be a matter of getting the right derivatives.