Am 05.11.2013 21:47, schrieb Allin Cottrell:
On Tue, 5 Nov 2013, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> Hi devels,
> it could be that I already reported/complained about some of these
> earlier, but this is what I have noticed today:
> 1) Is there no way to add the $unit series to a panel dataset via the menus?
Not up till now, but it's now added in CVS: /Add/Panel unit index.
> 2) Also panel: The Beck-Katz standard errors (PCSE) fail for me with an
> example (fixed-effects) model (using the example CLE.gdt data) when I
> include time dummies. Now I'm aware that this could be just my ignorance
> in the sense that it may not be possible econometrically -- however, ad
> hoc I don't really see why, frankly.
The "middle term" matrix in the PCSE is not guaranteed to be positive
definite in unbalanced panels, and it seems that including time dummies
increases the risk that it won't be p.d. I find that cutting back on the
number of time dummies can help, e.g. the following works:
ok, I see.
> 3) The "Save as..." option in the menu really seems to
do what other
> (most?) programs call "save copy as...", namely the current file with
> the old name remains active, not the new one with the new name.
what I meant to insinuate, why then not call it "save copy as..." ?