Allin Cottrell schrieb:
On Fri, 2 Oct 2009, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> I'm using this opportunity to point out the feature requests on the
> tracker that are more than one year old. Here's a list with some
> thoughts: (I just closed the VECM-related feature request, see my
> comment there.)
> * Improvement of logit regression modelling in gretl - ID: 1886339
> E.g. multinomial logit -- this is of course a big thing and should just
> wait I guess.
As Jack said, we now do multinomial logit. That has been
available since gretl 1.8.1 (May, 2009). I'm not sure it's worth
implementing the remaining points: if the user wants a reference
category other than the default (i.e. the lowest value), it's easy
enough to redefine the dependent variable accordingly, as in
alt_y = (y == 5)? 0 : y
to make (y = 5) the reference category (assuming there isn't
already a value 0 in the y series).
I wasn't aware of multinomial logit because I personally don't do it.
Thanks for reminding me. I agree with the rest, so I'm going to close
that request.
> * access to the ranking() command from the GUI - ID: 1906097
> IMHO there is no reason not to decide on what to do with it now, no? Is
> there a plan to implement it (probably in the vicinity of 'add logs'
> etc.) or should it be discarded?
I'm not very enthusiastic. If we add rankings to the GUI menu
we'd presumably have to add sorted series also, and my feeling is
that this would clutter the menu.
I certainly don't have any problem with discarding that request.
However, let me point out for the sake of the argument that in principle
it would be possible to add a submenu 'other' where ranking() along with
all other transformations could be collected. The main menu wouldn't be
cluttered even in the long term. I'm not saying that that is necessarily
the best approach, but it would mean a step towards "everything is also
available in the GUI". So I think either of the two approaches would be
ok: Either leave it as it is now and have users look up the (excellent)
online or offline documentation for other functions, or throw everything
in a new submenu 'add-other'.
> * Saving rankings from difftest () to the data set - ID: 1906103
> Not sure what the use case is. Would it be enough to implement the
> previous feature? Actually if the previous feature is implemented I
> guess it would be relatively easy to write a function package that
> covers this request. So in that sense I would tend to close it, adding
> an appropriate comment suggesting such a package.
I like the idea of hiving this off to a package.
I don't really remember what made me write "if the previous
[GUI-related] feature is implemented" as a condition for a package, but
anyway I'll close the request with a package-related comment.
> * gnuplot --loess-fit - ID: 2000792
> more precisely, this is about getting date labels on the x-axis in
> combination with --loess-fit. Here I would also tend to outsource it to
> someone with sufficient gnuplot knowledge who could make a function
> package for it. Or is this 'solution' too lazy and it really should be
> done in gretl proper?
The thing is that we don't offer the --loess-fit option (or in
fact, any fit option) for time-series plots. You can get such a
plot by doing
genr time
plot y time --loess
But then it's quite right that the x-axis values are 1, 2, 3, ...
because those are the values of the variable called "time".
So I suppose this one is really a request to implement the gnuplot
"fit" options for time-series plots.
Ah, ok that's enlightening. I will update the request accordingly.
> * $hausman should also access random vs. fixed effects test - ID:
> well this is a request by myself, so of course I think it should be
> implemented :-)
Yes, that one should be implemented -- and now it is, in CVS.
thank you!