one of my colleagues discovered a new bug in Gretl (official 1.6.0) in
Windows, and I can see that the same thing occurs in Linux:
1- Open a time series dataset (for example data3-6)
2- Estimate an ARIMA model for one of the variables.
3- In the model window, select "File/save to session as icon"
4- In the main window, go to "session files" and click on "save session
and write a name.
5- Close Gretl.
6- Open Gretl again,
7- select "File/session files/"
8- open the previously saved session, and
9- double-click on "Model 1", then --> ¡¡ gretl exits !!
Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza
Dpto. de Economía Aplicada III (Econometría y Estadística)