W dniu 31.03.2011 11:44, Sven Schreiber pisze:
does anybody know at what times the gretl conference starts and ends?
I've just put provisional program at web page.
Since it is not trivial to get to Torun, I guess many people need
information for their travel arrangements.
In terms of getting to Torun: please
give me your hours of arrivals at
Warsaw Airport so then we can arrange bus to Toruń.
It's possible to flight to Bydgoszcz (about 50 km from Torun) so if
someone chose this option just let me know.
online, too (or did I just miss it? -- I'm not talking about the
detailed program with paper titles, just the outline of the schedule).
Give me few
days for detailed program.
And regarding the payment: The bank transfer account information is
provided on a normal unsecured web page.
It's secured. Admin access is via
I hope that somebody checks
And somebody does...
that page regularly that it hasn't been hijacked and that the
information is still correct. Which also leads me to ask the following
question: If I miss the early registration anyway, can I pay the
(higher) fee at the conference, in cash or whatever?
If you want to: it is
All The Best,
Thanks for your help,
Gretl-devel mailing list
Marcin Błażejowski
GG# 203127