Not so long ago I tightened up on potential trampling of reserved
words in hansl, one effect being that you can no longer define a
variable with the same name as a built-in function.
I now notice that this provokes an error in the gig printout function,
which defines a scalar named "nobs". At first I thought this must be
an error in the reserved-words apparatus (isn't it just "$nobs", with
a dollar, that's reserved?). But on closer inspection I see we also
have a function nobs(), which gives the number of non-missing
observations for its series argument in the current sample range.
Not a terribly useful function, but it's used in a few packages.
So I've (locally) committed a little change in gig, "nobs" ->
This is basically just a heads-up that I/we need to check all packages
carefully for such collisions before the next release. If necessary, I
guess we could create an exception or two on a temporary basis (that
is, for now permit masking of a few little-used function identifiers).