I'm trying to upgrade gretl's testing for cointegration rank in a
variety of cases. But I'm stuck on one point: understanding the
relationship between Johansen's famous "five cases" (lucidly
described by Jack in the Gretl User's Guide) and the five cases
discussed by Pesaran, Shin and Smith (Journal of Econometrics,
2000), or "PSS" for short.
Differences arise in relation to the "unrestricted constant" and
"unrestricted trend" cases only. Let's forget the unrestricted
trend, leaving the unrestricted constant. I think I understand
Johansen on this (thanks, Jack!). If the constant, $\mu$, is
restricted to the cointegration space its effect does not "leak
out" into a trend, since $\mu$ is expressible as a linear
combination of the columns of $\alpha$, and $\alpha_{\perp}'\mu =
0$. If the constant is not so restricted, it does leak out and
generate a trend in the levels of the (possibly) cointegrated
variables (call them Y).
Now, as I understand it, PSS have a "Case II" which is identical
to Johansen's restricted constant. Fine. But they also have a
"Case III" which in some way resembles Johansen's unrestricted
constant case except that it does _not_ generate a trend in Y.
This I'm not getting. Can anyone help? I don't understand how you
can "unrestrict" the constant and yet not have it leak out of the
cointegration space into a trend in Y.