sorry for reporting a bunch of quirks so close to the release, it's not
Anyway, in actual use of the 'kpss' command I'm stumbling over the
following things:
- (extremely minor) The doc could mention that the usual $test and (if
applicable) $pvalue accessors can be used after running the test command.
- The $test accessor contains NA when running in a panel context.
(Example: 'kpss 3 invest' on the grunfeld dataset, and then look at
$test.) OK, the printout reveals three different test statistics, so
perhaps it would have to become a matrix instead of a scalar.
- Using automatic bandwidth choice in a panel yields glitch in the
output: For example, doing 'kpss -1 invest' runs fine, and according to
the doc it triggers automatic lag order (window size) choice. However,
in the printout the "-1" is repeated verbatim, whereas in a plain
time-series context the actually chosen value is displayed.
(But BTW, when restricting the sample to one unit from the panel, the
kpss command works nicely as expected in a time-series context.)