Am 06.10.2020 um 21:53 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
On Tue, 6 Oct 2020, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti wrote:
> I just checked. It seems to be ok: $sysA returns the uppermost block
> of the companion matrix, which is what varsimul wants. I'll add the
> script (with some brief explanatory text) at the end of
> doc/tex/system.tex.
OK, nice!
# simulate without any disturbances
Sim2 = varsimul(A, X, init)
print Sim2
ft1 = $nobs - 1
dataset addobs 12
ft2 = $tmax
printf "fcast %d %d\n", ft1, ft2
fcast ft1 ft2 --quiet
F1 = $fcast
print F1
print "fcast --out-of-sample"
fcast --out-of-sample --quiet
F2 = $fcast
print F2
The first use of fcast does not exactly reproduce Sim2; that's because
the two leading rows are static forecasts rather than actual observed
Not sure I understand what you mean here?
fact it failed ("missing data": it wasn't reaching far
enough back for
pre-sample values). That's now fixed in git: F2 is identical to the
last 12 rows of Sim2.
OK, good.