I had a teaching session for forecasting with gretl in GUI style, and I
found the forecast result window a little un-intuitive. So I think that
window could use a menu bar, even though it might be a very short bar.
First, it was unclear to me how I could save the forecast to a series. A
student pointed out (fortunately) that there's the "+" button in the
window which does just that. But I think if someone like me who has been
using Gretl for years doesn't get it, it's a problem. (Please no jokes
about my limited cleverness.)
If there had been a menu item "Save", it would have been obvious I think.
Secondly, how can I save the forecast standard errors from the GUI? It
seems it's impossible, although I know how to do it in a script with
$fcerr (BTW, it now occurs to me that "fcerr" sounds more like fc
errors, i.e. y-\hat{y}, but it's probably too late to change that).
So I think once we have a "Save" menu in the FC window, then it would be
very easy to add also the possibility to save the equivalent of $fcerr
to a series. And perhaps also the lower/upper bounds of the FC intervals.