On Wed, 7 Jan 2015, Logan Kelly wrote:
The following script fails on gretl cvs build date 2015-01-07
running on Win 7 64 bit while the example code in help works fine.
set echo off
nulldata 50
series x = normal()
series y = normal()
list list1 = null
string SeriesName
loop i = 1.. 10
SeriesName = sprintf("test%d",i)
list1 += genseries(SeriesName, x * y)
list list1 print
it yields the following error [...]
Data types not conformable for operation
>> list1 += genseries(sprintf("test%d",i), x * y)
Oof, this is quite a subtle one. The problem is that '*' is given a
special interpretation when defining a list (wildcard). I'll have to
think about the best fix, but in the meantime you can make this work
by quoting the "genr" expression:
list1 += genseries(sprintf("test%d",i), "x * y")