Am 14.09.2017 um 19:26 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
if isscalar(ind)
OK, now let's check the influence of this 'eps' thingy which according
to Ghysels is there for numerical stability AFAIU. (Here k2 == 1.02 so
k2-1 == 0.02, and I'm focusing on the final element in the u vector.)
> u = 1 - eps
u = 1.00000
> (1-u) .^ 0.02
ans = 0.48633
> (1-1) .^ 0.02
ans = 0
Thus if we put in a plain and simple 1, then we get the "blackboard
math" solution 0 for the last lag. If instead we use a fancy/fuzzy
1-eps, this turns into 0.49!
So I'm wondering whether the eps cure isn't worse than the original illness?