On Fri, 28 Feb 2020, Sven Schreiber wrote:
Am 28.02.2020 um 16:10 schrieb Artur Tarassow:
> Am 28.02.20 um 15:56 schrieb Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti:
>> While we're on the subject: I need to pull a string-valued series from
>> an ODBC source, which is not possible at present (if I'm not
>> mistaken). Shall we leave this for after release?
> As you say, currently not possible. Would definitely be a useful feature!
I'm not using ODBC and so I could live with new bugs in that area, but
to me this sounds like it should be done without haste after the
release. You guys are running git versions all the time anyway, so what
does a release mean to you?
For me, "Shall we leave this for after release?" means, should we go
ahead with the next release regardless of this wish-list item, or
should we wait until somebody has implemented it? Since I'm quite
likely to be the "somebody" in question, it's meaningful to me even
though I personally am running current git all the time (unless I'm
running a prior version temporarily to check diffs/breakage).
In this instance I'd say let's wait till after release. Yes, it
would be good, but we've accumulated enough bug-fixes to make a
release quite pressing. I've been diddling with dbnomics fixes and
enhancements lately but I'm about done with that and should be ready
for a release early next week.