In response to a request which (IIRC) appeared on this list not so
long ago, the bwrite() function -- which writes gretl bundles to XML
-- now supports the .gz extension.
bundle b
matrix b.m = I(1000)
string b.s = "Just testing"
bwrite(b, "b.xml") # uncompressed
bwrite(b, "b.xml.gz") # gzip-compressed
bundle b2 = bread("b.xml")
print b2
bundle b3 = bread("b.xml.gz")
print b3
eval maxc(maxr(abs(b3.m - b2.m)))
The last result should be 0. And on this machine I'm seeing:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 allin allin 2001243 Dec 11 21:18 b.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 allin allin 6982 Dec 11 21:18 b.xml.gz
(Less compression will be achieved if the bundle contains big
"random" data.)