On Wed, 23 Nov 2016, Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza wrote:
I am trying to plot a given series in X with several different series
in Y in
multiple scatterplots (View/Multiple graphs/X-Y scatters), but gretl gives an
error. The problem is with the name of the variable, which is more than 7
letters and it seems gretl cuts it to 7 characters. This series with only
seven characters do not exist so it gives an error.
Ignacio, could you give a specific example of this?
I tried running the following:
open data4-10.gdt
series private_enrollment = ENROLL
series catholic_proportion = CATHOL
series white_proportion = WHITE
series NEA_membership = MEMNEA
series college_educated = COLLEGE
series pupil_teacher_ratio = PUPIL
then asking for multi-scatters of private_enrollment (y-axis) against
the 5 other renamed series. The graph came out OK (in Spanish as well
as in English).