I'm not usually in the business of needing to do seasonal adjustment
myself, but it seems I will be, and I'm wondering about the following
things about gretl:
- The documentation still mostly talks about X12. This concerns the
contents or menu column on the left of the main web page, the page
http://gretl.sourceforge.net/x12a/x12a.html to which it leads, various
places in the user guide, and also stuff like the $x12a and $x12adir
accessors. Even though I know that x13 works as a drop-in replacement, I
find this situation confusing. Isn't X12 by now really obsolete?
- AFAICS, there is no hansl scripting way to actually call X13 and get
its output, is there? When I use the GUI to invoke X13, I find no trace
of that in the command log.
- For a couple of years now, the open-source software JDemetra+ is the
official thing to do seasonal adjustment in Europe.
https://github.com/jdemetra) Unfortunately, as the name suggests, it is
Java-based. There is an official R wrapper. I guess it should be
feasible to write a hansl wrapper for the R wrapper as a function
package, which sounds more complicated than it would be, I think. Of
course, the core still runs on Java, which therefore needs to be installed.