On 06.10.2019 09:55, Marcin Błażejowski wrote:
I face the problem with MPI in Windows: when I start processing on more
than 3 nodes I'm getting the following message (current git 64 bit
compilation + currenty MS MPI 10 library):
MPI nodes: 4, OMP threads: 1
gretlmpi 2019d-git
job aborted:
[ranks] message
[0-1] terminated
[2] application aborted
aborting MPI_COMM_WORLD (comm=0x44000000), error 1, comm rank 2
[3] terminated
---- error analysis -----
C:\Program Files\gretl\gretlmpi aborted the job. abort code 1
---- error analysis -----
The same code runs on Linux + OpenMPI even in 20 nodes (haavelmo). So
I'd like to ask how to debug MPI on Windows efficiently?
The next part of the story. I've decided to test the code on Linux +
MPICH, so I compiled another gretl instance with binaries in, let's say,
'/home/marcin/gretl/2019c/bin' and:
1. Calling mpi block genereted overall problem: mpiexec was trying to
execute gretlmpi from '/usr/local/bin' instead of
2. With symlik to '/home/marcin/gretl/2019c/bin/gretlmpi' everything
works fine.
3. It looks like with MPICH library "--quiet" flag doesn't work.
3. It seems that MPICH is faster (the same task lasts for +/- 187 sec.,
while with OpenMPI it takes +/- 230 sec.).
Marcin Błażejowski