Hello everybody (I'm new to this list, though in the past I interacted
with the bug tracker),
my ideal workflow with gretl (1.9.5, Debian GNU/Linux) is
1) play with data and find out what should be done
2) finally build a nice .inp file which does everything needed
3) run it: it saves to files everything which must be included in the
final .tex
4) the .tex has "\input"s and "\includegraphics"s which include the
result of gretl running - so just compile it
I like this both because I'm sure I can reproduce everything I finally
write, and because I do not have to change numbers everywhere in the
report if my data or my way of processing them changes slightly.
Unfortunately, I have two problems at step 3):
1) what seems to me a bug:
? tabprint -f "/home/pietro/prova.tex"
Model printed to /home/pietro/model_1.tex
Notice the wrong filename. That is even more annoying because - correct
me if I'm wrong - the commandline/script interface is the only way to
save a LaTeX table _not_ as a complete document, but as something
embeddable in an existing one.
2) what is either a whishlist feature, or a proof of my blindness in
reading the manuals: if, as it seems to me, the only way of writing to a
file (apart from LaTeX output) is the command "output", then it doesn't
help me, because if I do
outfile /home/pietro/my_file --write
print result
outfile --close
then "my file" will contain:
? print result
result = 4317.0000
? outfile --close
while I would like just the number. Is there a way to just say "save
this number to this file [with this format]"? Or some script/best
practice in using placeholders and parsing gretl output to build the
final .tex file? Or should I look at py4gretl for that?
Thanks in advance for any clarification (and for the great app).