On Sun, Aug 14, 2022 at 6:07 AM Marcin Błażejowski <marcin(a)wrzosy.nsb.pl> wrote:
simple script:
open wtp.gdt
list X = 1 2 9 10 11
logit depvar 0 X --multinomial --quiet
series yhat = $yhat
xtab --zeros depvar yhat --quiet
eval $result
It looks like '--zeros' flag has zero effect on xtab command.
Not so. The --zeros option affects the printed table, which you have
suppressed via the --quiet flag. The $result is a matrix, and zeros
are always going to get printed in that context.
What is more, line 'xtab depvar $yhat' generates an error:
"Data types not conformable for operation" which - I believe - is unexpected.
Not really. The arguments to xtab must be members of a list -- which
means "proper series", with a dataset ID number. $yhat is just an
anonymous array of numbers until assigned to a series.