On Wed, 3 Apr 2013, Berend Hasselman wrote:
> On 30-03-2013, at 17:44, Allin Cottrell <cottrell(a)wfu.edu> wrote:
>> On Fri, 29 Mar 2013, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti wrote:
>>> On Fri, 29 Mar 2013, Berend Hasselman wrote:
>>>> It's a significant achievement to have come so far.
>>>> It would be really nice if the mac integration could be pushed further.
>>>> With the keyboard control that I have mentioned in previous posts. It
>>>> like you have done all that is possible so maybe some advice from
>>>> people can shed some light on how to proceed.
>>> IMHO setting the look and feel of the Mac version "right" would
warrant by
>>> itself a new release, considering the growing popularity of the platform
>>> accounts for about 1/6 of downloads currently, with much higher peaks in
>>> countries like the US or France).
>> I agree, but there's still some way to go; and getting the
>> remaining stuff right will probably have to involve fixes in
>> the gtk-mac-integration library, which we're relying upon for
>> the top-of-screen menu functionality.
> Recently a completely native Quartz build of Gimp 2.8.4 was released
http://gimp.lisanet.de/Website/News/Eintrage/2013/3/21_GIMP_2.8.4_release...). It uses
a Mac version of GTK.
> It has the menu at the top of the screen and lots of Mac keyboard shortcuts.
> I tested if Control+F2 would activate the application's menu.
> No.
> I have reported this to the developer and received the reply
> "Hhmm, you're right. The keyboard shortcut does not work, so sadly,
that's one more drawback of a native build. Sorry. I'll try to find a solution for
this issue…"
> First letter navigation in the menu works.
> It would seem a good idea to keep in touch with the developer of the Mac native Gimp
to see if she is able to find a solution. The email address is on the support page of the
site (
http://gimp.lisanet.de/Website/Support.html) in obfuscated form.
Yes, that's a good suggestion.
I did send a message to gtk-osx-users; the reply I got seemed to indicate that it
wasn't surprising that the things I mentioned (in relation to gtk-mac-integration)
were not working right. Maybe the gimp people are a step ahead.
In the meantime I'm also working on a new 64-bit gretl-X11 package for OS X 10.6 and
higher. This uses up-to-date GTK, has themeing, and has GTK built-in (like the quartz
package). It might be advantageous to have a 2-step install (Xquartz + gretl) rather than
3-step as at present -- at least as an interim stage.
That would be very nice to have. It would have the advantage of more keyboard control and
the two step installation with gtk internalized would be most helpful. I don't mind
the XQuartz dependency. And with the theming the default ugly look could be avoided.
Good luck!