On Sat, 3 Jul 2010, Allin Cottrell wrote:
> How about "Unit root tests"?
OK, that's now in CVS. See what you think.
I like it.
And while we're at it (GUI menus), I've renamed the item
under the
Data menu that was "Select listed variables" to "Set selection
from list".
If you recall, the action is that you choose a named list (if any
are defined) and have that set the variables that are selected in
the main gretl window. Sven said (rightly) that the original label
was not very good. Is the new version an improvement? (IMO it's
very difficult to make this clear in a short string unless the
user already has some notion of what a "list" is; but hopefully
the context helps, in that the previous menu item is "Define or
edit list".)
IMO, it's an improvement. And by the way, those users who are fiercely
opposed to reading the manual may learn what a list is out of curiosity.
While we're on the subject: I've been thinking for a while about a way to
use pre-defined lists in dialogs like OLS or tsls. It'd be very handy to
have a GUI way to tell gretl "remember all those variables I put in list
Z? Those are the instruments". But I couldn't picture myself anything that
wasn't too disruptive compared to the present design.
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche