On Thu, 2 Sep 2010, Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza wrote:
Allin Cottrell escribió:
> On Thu, 2 Sep 2010, Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza wrote:
>> when you ask for a Butterworth filter and ask for the original/smoothed
>> series graph _and_ the residuals graph, the window that shows jointly
>> the two graphs is not high enough, so the the user cannot see the header
>> for the first graph. (see the figure attached)
> Hmm, I see what you mean, but I'm not seeing that problem here:
> the double-graph is sized correctly and everything shows OK. (I
> tried increasing the font size and running in Spanish but it was
> still OK). Can you tell me the exact version of gnuplot you're
> running, and the font you have selected for graphing?
> Allin
It is Gnuplot 4.5 ( your binary at
http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/pub/gretl/gnuplot-4.5-i586.tar.gz )
I suspect the font was "Vera 9" (this graph has not the possibility of
editing and changing the font, but this is what the normal time series
graph shows). I tried changing to other fonts but the result is the same
(in english gretl as well). What font are you using?
Thanks. I'm using Sans 8, but I've now tried Vera 9 and still my
graph is OK. Maybe a fix was applied in gnuplot CVS between the
build I made for gnuplot-4.5-i586.tar.gz and the version I have on
my machine. I'll try updating the binary package. (I'll let you
know when there's a new build ready.)