Am 23.11.2008 17:15, Allin Cottrell schrieb:
Mean dependent var 4.538837 S.D. dependent var 0.243346
Sum squared resid 1.617235 S.E. of regression 0.189575
R-squared 0.430985 Adjusted R-squared 0.405696
F(2, 45) 17.04203 P-value(F) 3.09e-06
Log-likelihood 13.26255 Akaike criterion -20.52509
Schwarz criterion -14.91149 Hannan-Quinn -18.40371
rho 0.018627 Durbin-Watson 1.960299
(with the last row omitted for non-time series).
Why actually have both the rho and the DW stat? (Assuming rho is the
first-order autocorrelation coeff, right?) I mean the DW stat only
provides additional information if the p-value is also given. And of
course there are no exact p-values for DW usually, and I would argue the
whole DW test is now obsolete and has been for some time, since we also
know that in many real-world circumstances like lagged endogenous
variables it isn't ok anyway. And a point-estimate-type information
about first-order autocorrelation is already contained in rho.
I know there are historical reasons for DW, but hey: change yes we can
... ;-) Sometimes it seems ridiculous to me that in every econometrics
course you have to talk a lot about the historical DW test just because
it always appears in the standard estimation output.
Next, an unrelated suggestion: What do you think about grouping the
adjusted R-squared and the info criteria together, since conceptually
they are more or less the same thing. Then of course you don't want to
separate the R-squared and the adjusted R-squared, so my suggestion
would be (apart from the DW issue before):
Mean dependent var 4.538837 S.D. dependent var 0.243346
Sum squared resid 1.617235 S.E. of regression 0.189575
F(2, 45) 17.04203 P-value(F) 3.09e-06
R-squared 0.430985 Log-likelihood 13.26255
Adjusted R-squared 0.405696 Akaike criterion -20.52509
Schwarz criterion -14.91149 Hannan-Quinn -18.40371
rho 0.018627 Durbin-Watson 1.960299
And a minor thing that can also be changed later: I think all
information criteria should have the criterion suffix and therefore it
should be "Hannan-Quinn crit.".