As always, thanks Allin for the quick reply.
I'll do a new CVS checkout.
On 2014/04/11 06:50 PM, Allin Cottrell wrote:
On Fri, 11 Apr 2014, GOO Creations wrote:
> I'm not sure if this is a gretl or cephens bug. I've attached my test data
> 1024 samples, in case the problem needs to be reproduced.
> Using an ARIMA(17,0,2) model with conditional MLE and the given test data,
> gretl gets stuck in an infinite loop. Just before the infinite loop starts,
> the following stderr is printed:
> /arma: MA estimate(s) out of bounds
> cholbeta: test[18] = 0//
> //gretl_matrix_QR_rank: rcond = 9,94709e-20//
> //dropping redundant variable 18 (e_1)//
> /
> After further investigation, I discovered that the infinite loop starts in
> plugin/arma.c:167 were the following cephens function is called:
> /cerr = polrt(b->temp, b->tmp2, qtot, b->roots);//
> /
> It seems that the while-loop in cephens/polrt.c is executed over and over
> again. Inside the loop there is a "goto tryagn;" statement which makes the
> function go back before the loop and then execute the while-loop again. This
> happens over and over again (stuck in infinity).
> This problem is specific to the given test data, AR order 17 and MA order 2.
> If I have different data or different orders, the problem disappears. Does
> anyone know what's going wrong?
There does appear to be a potentially infinite loop in cephes' polrt.c,
and that's now modified in CVS. It seems the problem was triggered only by
a "broken" model, where the roots of the AR polynomial are on or inside
the unit circle.
Allin Cottrell
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