Am 10.07.2019 um 14:10 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
On Mon, 8 Jul 2019, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> BTW, I checked the expression "zeros(100,1) * NA" which still has all
> zeros. Now I remember some dispute about the desired result for 0*NA,
> but in any case the variant "zeros(100,1) .* NA" gives all 'nan',
so I'm
> sure one of the two must be a bug.
Yep, that's inconsistent. For the present I've made 0 * NA equal 0 in
both contexts, which is "traditional" gretl behavior. But we may want
to revise this, given that our NA is now NaN. Thoughts, anyone?
Not sure why that internal change would affect the way users want to or
should interact with gretl?