Thanks Brend, Jack. I understand and agree with what you are saying.
Jut to be a bit clearer, I am not talking about scripts and not
everyone is a script-writer. I was merely talking about casual command
entering using the GUI.
In the plot controls, if I add a line and enter, say, "2,5 + 2,5*x"
gretl automatically converts the commas and draws the line correctly.
Gretl also supports writing and reading different csv files as well as
different date formats. I don't think these are so bad and even excel
is known to handle such things correctly.
No need to be confrontational. We are all brainstorming on how to make
gretl better and greater. I don't have any benefit whatsoever except
being able to say to the students "OK, gretl genuinely supports
different systems and does things in a consistent manner."
At any rate, based on the above example, my initial post was a
perfectly valid bug report.
On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 11:21 PM, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
<r.lucchetti(a)> wrote:
On Wed, 25 Jan 2012, Talha Yalta wrote:
> Thanks very much Professor Cottrell for your modificaitons and
> explanations. Just one thing:
>>> 1)- In the "Restrict based on criterion" window, if I use comma
>>> the decimal sign I get a syntax error.
>> That's expected, and will not change: when you specify a criterion
>> for restricting the sample "based on a criterion" you're accessing
>> the "genr" mechanism, and that mechanism doesn't/can't support
>> decimal comma, for one thing because in that context ',' is the
>> separator for function arguments.
> Would it be possible that gretl (depending on the locale setting)
> automatically replaces commas with dots (and say semicolons with
> commas) before sending the command to genr? I insist because this is
> someting that can be important in some places and/or countries.
Talha, please, how many times do we have to go over this? We found what
turned out to be an acceptable compromise years ago: dot in input,
locale-dependent separator in output.
You know very well that others have been against national decimal separators
forever, and yet have stopped complaining about them in the name of the
principle that, once a compromise has been agreed on, then that's it.
I don't mean to be confrontational here, but just to put this in context:
try to make the same request on the Stata or on the R mailing lists. I
suspect you'd be treated like an alien from outer space.
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche
Gretl-devel mailing list
“An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made
in a very narrow field.” - Niels Bohr (1885-1962)