On Mon, 13 Apr 2009, Talha Yalta wrote:
Thanks very much for the reply and the fixes.
> Produce forecast for (*) d_depvar [difference]
> ( ) depvar [level]
> ...for a more translation-friendly way of expressing this choice,
> I'll certainly listen.
How about "forecasts produced:"? This type of presentation with the
colons looks better for Turkish but I don't know if it is better or
worse for other languages. Are there any opinions or suggestions from
the other developers/translators?
That doesn't work very well for English; I'll wait to hear what
others have to say. But translate it as you think fit;
translations don't have to be literal if that runs counter to
idiom. The only thing is, "forecasts produced" sounds as if there
might be more than one, but there will only one: the dialog gives
a binary choice.
>> 5)- When I copy the contents of a window and paste it I get
>> with the Turkish characters.
> What application are you pasting into? And what character set
> is that application using?
I pasted into gmail using firefox. I get bad characters pasting into
kwrite and openoffice also.
Pasting Turkish text from gretl into OpenOffice works fine here.
Is your locale setting something other than UTF-8? (Try typing
"locale" at a shell prompt.)
Well, the real reason I used it was to show the vertical
of the ANOVA window output. I get this (after manually fixing the bad
Kareler toplami sd Ortalama
Baglanim 3,35141e+06 1 3,35141e+06
Kalinti 5349,39 13 411,492
Toplam 3,35676e+06 14 258212
R^2 = 3,35141e+06 / 3,35676e+06 = 0,998406
F(1, 13) = 3,35141e+06 / 411,492 = 8144,53 [p-degeri 1,42e-19]
So the columns are always misaligned in this window.
I see what you mean; I'll have to look into that.
Finally, I have 2 more things:
1)- Line 1692: "Average of observations"
Line 1857: "Number of observations in average:"
Here gretl is refering to the mean right?
Since average generally means "some measure of central tendency
including but not limited to the mean," how about limiting the use of
the term average to phrases like "an average observation"?
The second string occurs in the context of calculating a moving
average, which is always called by that name in English and never
a "moving mean". The first one could perhaps be modified, but
anyway feel free to translate it as "mean" if you like.
2)- When specifying a model, the lag order window has the variable
"default." There is no single entry in the pot file for the term
"default" Can this be translatable also?
OK, that's now marked for translation in CVS.