I need to save in each iteration of a long loop an, in principle,
unknown number of scalars. I tried saving all them in a matrix and
writing it to disk with 'mwrite', but this is very time consuming
because the matrix is very big. I think in this case could be more
efficient to write it row by row to disk but
1) I cannot use 'mwrite' because in each iteration the matrix is
2) I know that inside a loop the command 'store' can save some scalars
in each iteration, but I don't know how to write the command for an
unknown number of scalars,
So I ask to our dear developers for some solution:
a) Could be possible that the comand 'store' can allow for a row matrix
as argument?
b) or, could be possible to define a "list of scalars" command (slist)
similar to the list of series? so I could use:
slist myscalarlist += s_$i (in the loop)
store myscalarlist
c) or, finally could be possible to define a 'mwritea' (mwrite append)
function so that the matrix written to disk in each iteration can be
appended with to the data of the previous iterations ?
Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza
Avda. Lehendakari Aguirre, 83 | 48015 BILBAO
T.: +34 946013732 | F.: +34 946013754