1) ok!
# a native function
nulldata 20
setobs 1 1960 --time-series
set seed 13
series sin = normal()
series y = sin(1)
eval getinfo(y)
bundle anonymous:
has_string_table = 0
lag = -1
parent = sin
name = y
coded = 0
discrete = 0
transform = lags
description = sin(1)
# y is described as lag of 'sin'
# but
1960 0.8414710
1961 0.8414710
1962 0.8414710
1963 0.8414710
1964 0.8414710
# i.e. y is a constant series, its values are equal to sin(1)
series x = sin
eval getinfo(x)
eval y - x(1)
eval y[1]-sin(1)
list z = round(sin(1))
eval varname(z)
eval z[1]
# user-specified function activated before
# reading/creating series
nulldata 20
setobs 1 1960 --time-series
function scalar x (scalar z)
return exp(1)*z
end function
set seed 13
series x = normal()
series y = x(1)
eval getinfo(y)
catch ols x x(-1 to -2) -s
eval errmsg($error)
catch ols x x(-1) -s
eval errmsg($error)
# we see that currently
# functions override lags creation
# It seems, a case with unquoted (-1 to -2)
# can be easily saved, since
# functions do not take unquoted
# -1 to -2 argument (have I missed some function?)
# But what to do with x(-1) ?
24 жовтня 2018, 23:59:59, від "Allin Cottrell" <cottrell(a)wfu.edu>:
On Wed, 24 Oct 2018, oleg_komashko(a)ukr.net wrote:
Please, run the following to see some strange behavior
open keane.gdt -q
series lp_mfx_print = normal()
include lp-mfx.gfn
smpl (year==87) --restrict
logit status 0 educ exper expersq black --multinomial -q
bundle b = mlogit_mfx(status, $xlist, $coeff, $vcv, $sample)
Then press b icon at session icon view
A mess, to be sure. Fortunately it was easy to fix; the fix is now
in git.
When the bundle-print function of a package is invoked via the GUI,
we know perfectly well it's a function call and nothing to do with
lags of a series that a trickster may have created. We just weren't
conveying that knowledge to "genr"; now we do.
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