Being the "weird guy" I am :-), I found some small bugs in a few corner cases:
1)- Please refer to the attached ods file. When I open this data and
export as csv, the y series is written with 12 significant digits
instead of 3.
2)- After ods imports, the "dataset info" is blank. The same window
says "Data imported from Excel file..." (I have'nt tried other import
3)- Selecting "save as" and pointing to an existing gdt file, gretl
overwrites without warning. Overwriting csv, R, ... opens a
confirmation window.
4)- I think gdt files should not be in the list for export file types
since saving a gdt is technically not exporting.
5)- Adding 4 correlograms to the graph page will not fit in the
portrait paper. Adding 3 creates 3 pages, 2 of which are blank.
6)- Could you please, please add the "Reformat..." function (in the
display data window) to the summary statistics window also? This is
not only useful but also important from a software reliability point
of view.
“An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made
in a very narrow field.” - Niels Bohr (1885-1962)
- yalta-10.ods
(application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet — 12.3 KB)