I would like to report on the feedback that I received during the two
42 hr. applied econometrics with gretl trainings that I have given
over the last 3 weeks.
In general, the students (almost all of whom were professionals from
the government) did very much enjoy learning and using gretl. They
also understood the development paradigm and how it is possible that
gretl is free yet as good as various commercial programs. I am sure
that in the future they will be using gretl extensively, although they
will continue to use other programs mainly SPSS, Stata and Eviews.
There were also 3 issues that they raised:
1)- Some people were very much interested in the principal components
functionality but they were ultimately disappointed. Apparently they
need to use this functionality (in SPSS) to create various indexes
using a large number of series. Still, I guess this can be considered
more like a statistical functionality than an econometric one, no?
2)- Some students suggested (and all others agreed) that it would be
very useful to have a predict command, which will provide predicted
values as well as slopes (given Xs) for various nonlinear models such
as polynomial regressions, logit, probit etc. I think this could be
nice to have as a command as well as a GUI entry next to the forecast
item. Maybe a small goodie to consider for the 2.0 release? They said
Stata has this.
3)- One student told that the "save to session as icon" and the "save
as icon and close" items act in a confusing manner. The suggestion was
a)- Once the user selects "save to session as icon", this entry
becomes ghosted so that it cannot be selected again to get an
unnecessary error message.
b)- If the "save to session as icon" is already chosen, the "save
as icon and close" does not generate an error message but just close
the model window, which is already saved.
I hope the above feedback is useful. I will probably give more
trainings over the next months and I will let you know if I get more
“An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made
in a very narrow field.” - Niels Bohr (1885-1962)