On Thu, 4 Oct 2007, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti wrote:
How would you like something like the following?
dataset <subcommand> <argument>
where <subcommand> could be either "delete", "keep",
or "keepobs". The first two refer to variables (columns) and
have a list as the argument, the last two to observations (rows)
and the argument follows the same conventions we now use for the
"smpl" command (with all the caveats when applied to a
time-series dataset).
I quite like the "keep" idea (handy if you have a dataset
containing a lot of "junk"), and I also like the idea of moving
"delete" (for variables) into place under the "dataset" command.
The old "delete" command could be kept as an alias, at least for a
As for deleteobs and keepobs, these seem to me somewhat
redundant given the smpl command and the ability to save the