Am 06.12.2015 um 09:28 schrieb Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti:
On Fri, 4 Dec 2015, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> Hi again,
> as you will notice, I am currently working on a real-life panel dataset,
> and so here's another panel problem, with example; the following doesn't
> work for me ("no obs would be left"):
Partly unrelated: surely priority number one is to fix buggy behaviour,
that's a given. However, having said this, I've found that for complex
scripting involving panel datasets the combined action of the
aggregate() and replace() function allows you to do amazing things.
With aggregate() by the "time" variable I'm now running into the problem
that gretl tells me time is not discrete. And in the GUI attributes I
cannot set it to be discrete.
I have to say it's quite frustrating, I'm getting nowhere except
uncovering bugs and other limitations. One of the nice things with gretl
is that data handling is usually nice and efficient. With panel data my
impression is different. And now think about someone without my level of
gretl experience...