the following code doesn't work because as per the spec in the system
case the 'varname' argument should pick one of the endogenous variables
(only) to be forecast.
open denmark
smpl 1 50
fcast 1986:3 1987:3 LRY LRM # more than one variable
However, given that normally in gretl you can use a list in the same way
as you would use a series (except if it really really has to be a single
variable only), it would seem natural that you could specify more than
one series in this context.
(In the single-equ. case you would instead define a new variable name
for the fitted values; let me add that this semantic overloading of the
argument strikes me as problematic. I would prefer to have systems and
single-equs treated in close analogy. But it's probably too late now.)
Finally, violations of the 'fcast' syntax right now produce quite
generic "data" or "syntax" errors, perhaps they could be made more
informative -- 'wrong number of arguments', 'object doesn't exist', or
something like that.