On Fri, 8 Jun 2007, Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza wrote:
> The problem that prevented your function from running in the
> is now fixed in CVS, and also in today's Windows snapshot.
Sorry, I just downloaded gretl from CVS and it seems not to be
solved in Linux...
How are you invoking the function? Here's what I did:
* Start gretl and open data9-3
* Open the function files window ("on local machine")
* Double-click on LLTestim
* Select reskwh as the 'y' series
* Type in 'comp" as the name of the return list
* Click OK.
The function then runs and gives me an output window.
I have also tried these variants: typing in a name for the
optional return matrix, 'q'; and omitting (leaving blank) the name
of the return list. It still worked OK.
Ah. Stop Press: I just now tried in Spanish and it didn't work.
I guess this is another instance where the wretched decimal
separator is messing things up. I'll take another look.